here goes the story of my school years . represented by renee amira rasul , azrul asyikin aziz , darina khaliesa salim & yuzaimi hazmira hamid . the awkward looking one is obviously iera coz she's really not around school sometime , i mean a lot . and three more , of course us ! pick one do you think is the most suitable . the DARING , goes to darina , the HOTTEST goes to ekin and the GANGSTER/BONZER goes to renee . we started as enemies actlly ate . first , ekin fight with dasrina , then renee fight with darina , then renee fight with ekin and so on . it was twisted and in the end it is us who made as bestpals. hoooyeahh , in school , we walked together , we eat together , we laugh together , we cried together and we even fight together , its just that we're in the seperated classes . but we rocked ! anybody especially girls , who had problems handling or seeing us like this , we just dont really give a damn , right girls ? ahaha , hell yeah , our name was written all over the toilet , thats just a prove that we're famous . aha ! seriously , three of us are soooooo GEDIK and its just been annoyed by girls in school . LIFC ? aha . we are just being us . accept the fact that we are one of a kind . to all those jealous girls , mess up once with us , i'll twist u like a twisted transistor baby . you aint mean anything to me , booo yeah !